Clay County Flyers Fun Fly on Saturday 10/21/2013

Hello Flyers!

We are hoping to see a good crowd again this year for our annual Fun Fly.

For Maximum Fun

  • Bring a couple of planes for static display and for open fly.
  • Bring a Warbird to fly in the Warbird Parade.
  • Bring your family. (Please fill out the attached release form for any family members)
  • Bring a lawn chair.
  • Please park in a tight orderly manner. Double park as needed. Hopefully we will have somebody to help with this (any volunteers?).
  • We are going to ask ALL members to wear a name tag.
  • If you have a buddy box set up and trainer aircraft please bring.
  • If you are willing to help with set up, show at 0730.

0730 – Volunteers Arrive/Set-Up
0800 – Open Flying
0850 – Pilot Meeting
0900 – Event Opens with Warbird Parade. Events include:

  • Warbird Parade – Multiple planes take-off and fly circular pattern in sequence, making multiple low passes.
  • Helicopter Flight Demo
  • Large Aircraft Demo
  • T-34 Flight Demo
  • EDF Demo
  • Ground RC Jumps
  • Rocket Glider Launches
  • Buddy-Box flying for guests
  • Open Flying
  • Static Display (Show your pretty planes to our guests!)